Education, Life

My College Bucket List

As my freshman year looms closer, I decided to make a bucket list. I was inspired by posts of making bucket lists to accomplish and outline what I want to get out of my first year in college. I never made one for high school and as a visual person, I feel like I don’t have a memory of expectations. I don’t have the HSM inspired list of things to accomplish.

So, college is a fresh start to make one! These are in no particular order. Those in italics were completed. I’ll update the list so, check back!

  1. Join clubs
  2. Maintain a lifelong friendship [in progress]
  3. Be a club officer
  4. Be the president of a club
  5. Maintain a relationship with a friend out of the country
  6. Sign up for a class that has nothing to do with my major
  7. Participate in school traditions
  8. Volunteer
  9. Use my ID for discounts
  10. Go to the farmer’s market
  11. Write for the campus publication
  12. Photograph and get involved creatively on campus
  13. Be active in the gym
  14. Do a workout class with a friend
  15. Study abroad
  16. Watch the sunrise/sunset
  17. Befriend a college professor
  18. Avoid the freshman 15
  19. Go on a road trip
  20. Make the Dean’s List
  21. Get an on-campus job
  22. Get an internship/practicum
  23. Become a student leader
  24. Explore the city area with a friend
  25. Attend at least two different sport events
  26. Have a movie night with friends
  27. Have a game night with friends

What would you add to your list?

Some parts of my list were inspired by websites such as those linked below.

Odyssey Online




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