
Dream Big Again

At church, the series for the month was on dreaming big again. As the years go on, there are always troubles, tough times, and stress. These things are inevitable but, there are ways to look towards the island ahead instead of the storm; the victory instead of the game, the masterpiece instead of the process, the- I think you get it now. The whole point is to look towards the future. Don’t misquote though. One shouldn’t be obsessed with the future and miss the things of the present nor dwell in the present and lose sight of the future.

Yes, many sayings tell us to enjoy the journey but sometimes, we need the goal of our destination to be vivid. Close off people who make you discouraged; you don’t need that negativity in your life! The people you’re around is the way you’re labeled. If the people you’re around have no depth for their life or believes it isn’t important, then you will think the same eventually.

The theme verse for the series was Ephesians 3:20-21 (NKJV)

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us…”

God can do the impossible. He can do things we never even fathomed as long as our faith is in Him.


My pastor pointed out some challenges we face in this reality.

  • Dealing with discouragement

Discouragement leads us to disappointment, hopelessness, and isolation and opens up a world of hurt, betrayal, and brokenness.  In Luke 5:1-11, Simon felt all of these things until Jesus came and brought hope. He didn’t have to obey Jesus but, he stopped cleaning the fishing gear and tried one more time.

Fighting discouragement will lead to a life-changing moment. This will be the rainbow after the rain.

But, how does one get there?

First, take courage in God like David did when his army wanted to stone him in 1 Samuel 30:6.

Renew your mind as written in Romans 12:2.

Listen for His voice and read the Bible as written in Joshua 1:8.

Change your perception and confession such as one’s tongue in Proverbs 18:21 which brings life or death depending on how it is used.

Praise God. Psalms 42:5


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