
Calm in the Storm

In times of uncertainty and chaos, it is natural for us to feel anxious and overwhelmed. We often find ourselves caught up in the whirlwind of our own thoughts and fears, unable to find solace or peace. But in these moments, it is important to remember the example set by Jesus. Imagine Him standing tall… Read More Calm in the Storm


Going through the Motions

I don’t wanna go through the Motions. I don’t wanna go one more day. Without Your all consuming, passion inside of me. “The Motions” by Matthew West I don’t know about you but my system has been go to school, do work, sleep, and repeat. This systematic way of living blended with previous days that… Read More Going through the Motions


The Story of Love

Love is a feeling so powerful that it can dictate your actions.  Everyone in this world wants to find love. Whether that be a parent, friend, or significant other, people naturally have a desire to love and be wanted. The thing is, we already are before we were even thought of.  It was written in… Read More The Story of Love