Books, Movies, and Entertainment

“Poplogetic” Chapter Review

In Popologetics, Turnau focused on Christians respond to popular culture in an apologetic way. This takes a deliberate change of focus. There are five questions that can be used to interrogate any piece of popular culture: (1) what the story is, (2) what is the imaginative origin, (3) what grace-filled elements can be found, (4) what is perverse that can be found, and (5) how … Read More “Poplogetic” Chapter Review

Books, Movies, and Entertainment, Life

To Be Read (as of June 1)

With exams in May, I wasn’t able to read as much as I would like to. This summer, I have a growing list of novels to read. On the rigjt side of the screen, (if on a mobile device or tablet, turn your screen horizontal) you’ll see my Goodreads account with books on my TBR list and their progress! These will update and be replaced with other books!

Below is my list thus far… Read More To Be Read (as of June 1)