Books, Movies, and Entertainment, Life

Jesus and the High School Musical series

High School Musical: the Musical the Series is a television series stemming from High School Musical (HSM). In this show, the musical is fiction, as it is today. East High students are debuting High School Musical for the first time since filming the movie.

Misconceptions from the movie and reality, such as the mascot, are jokes revealed in the first episode along with original HSM actors.

View trailer above.

I read a devotion titled ‘God and Hamilton‘ as it expressed the spiritual elements of the Broadway musical, Hamilton.

Fast-forwarding to episode four, one of the main cast members, Nina, is conflicted. Nina begins singing a song she wrote called “All I Want.”

All I want is love that lasts

Is all I want too much to ask

Is it something wrong with me

All I want is a good guy

Are my expectations far too high

Try my best but what can I say

All I have is myself at the end of the day

But shouldn’t that be enough for me

Chorus lyrics above

It’s funny because we easily get sucked into love, relationships, and friends. As we grow, this becomes centered on people’s minds. People you know are getting married and having kids. If not, we try to use distractions as our focus.

We see this in Nina’s lyrics. She says love is all she wants. The sad thing is that because her love life isn’t how she expects or dreams of it being, she results in thinking “something [is] wrong” with her.

Ideas of not being enough come to mind. The next wave of thoughts is having far-fetched expectations. This is so far from the truth.

We need to realize that in the midst of every stage: singleness, dating, engagement, or even marriage, the Holy Spirit is there. It’s easy to forget that we have a friend- The ultimate Friend- with us at all times.

Even when we’re alone or friendless, when we feel no one cares or loves us, we have our Friend. Nina didn’t realize that the only love she needed was from God who sent His Son to become perfect love and, in turn, sent the spiritual love of the Holy Spirit. Rather, at the end of the day, He is enough at the end of the day. He tells us we are loved, beautiful, and priceless.

The Holy Spirit is always there for us. He is our best friend.

So, the next time you’re feeling down, just talk to your Friend. He listens.


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