
Words without Actions

“So how is it that with all this caring, there are still so many hurting, anguished people? The answer is that a lot of the caring we see today is directed toward ideologies, not people.” Sensing the Rhythm by Mandy Harvey

As this post waiting in my drafts, I had James 2 written under it. The NIV version titles this ‘Forbidden Favoritism.’ Interesting, right? I mean we all know that showing preference isn’t good yet, people do so whether it be against someone of color or with a disability. The ‘ non-flawed,’ ‘physically-similar’ person or one with the best reputation are commonly seen as the best.

In the Bible, serving is a huge standard and element that makes up Christianity and fixates itself on what it means to be a Christian. Jesus came on earth to serve and give us our mission statement of serving. My university even has the reminder implanted on school grounds with the Jesus Fountain where Jesus washes the disciples’ feet while telling them to wash, in other words, serve, other’s feet in John 13:14-15 “ I am your Lord and Teacher. However, I washed your feet. So you also should wash each other’s feet. I did this as an example for you. So you should serve each other just as I served you.” Regardless of the secular mindset, we are called to care and love one another instead of seeking vengeance.

I would define cultural engagement simply as a way of engaging or interacting with the present community. It is one thing to help others in an environment you are comfortable and familiar with but, it is another to do this deed in a new place. On this note, good dong works are somewhat knitted in our purpose but, it is not the making of our being. In my community service club in high school that I started and led, I wanted our verse to make an impact on why we were serving. Yes, Jesus calls for us to do good works but, it should not be for glorification. For the club, and this moment, I believe this verse fully encompasses what is expected to form us. James 2:18 says, “But someone will say, ‘You have faith, and I have worked.’ Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” Anything without a reactive action is pointless. Whether it be a pastor preaching and starting a church for news coverage on his latest book or a student going on a mission trip without the heart and calling to depart, not having the faith to act or the action of faith means nothing.


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