English majors. There are so many memes and videos about the ‘pointless’ and ‘easy’ major. Below is a poem I wrote for creative writing.
Is everyone studying the same major?
Then why do you judge and ridicule mine?
Without ministry majors, we wouldn’t be able to study the Bible
Or understand the Holy Book like we do now.
Without communication and education, we wouldn’t be able to express ourselves
Or learn skills to grow and discover passions like we do now.
Without film, arts, and history, we wouldn’t be able to find beauty and patterns in chaos
Or peace to highlight memories and honor others like we do now.
Without kinesiology and sports, we wouldn’t be able to get better through therapy
Or play and enjoy sports like we do now.
Without missions or leadership, we wouldn’t be able to test our limits
Or go beyond comfort zones to reach and teach others like we do now.
Without music, psychology, or social work, we wouldn’t be able to help others
Or find alternative methods which nurses and doctors use but cannot fix like we do now.
Without business and legal studies, we wouldn’t be able to use money, incorporate any logic,
Or think analytically with system and justice like we do now.
Without English, we wouldn’t be able to write, read, or analyze anything to function
Or become a member of the human race like we can now.
Everyone is not studying the same major; don’t judge or ridicule. Nothing in life is easy.
For more:
Thank you, Daisy!
Wonderful post! Keep up the good writing.